Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ferguson Publishing Seminar

I was supposed to continue my "The Story in History" series of blog posts today, but inevitably, I fell behind.  Those posts will continue tomorrow.

Right now, I'm going to talk a little bit about the Biennial Ferguson Publishing Seminar, which I was fortunate enough to attend last night and today.  The Ferguson Seminar is a special event designed to inform students at the College of William & Mary about careers in the publishing industry.  A whole bunch of speakers were lined up to visit the College, but unfortunately, Sandy interfered, and only a few could escape New York and make it  to Williamsburg, VA.  Even so, it was a very informative seminar, during which we got to hear from author Susan Choi and vice president of Penguin Press Scott Moyers, among others.

They all touched upon a variety of subjects, but what struck me most was their emphasis on networking.  Each one of the speakers stressed that making connections was crucial in both getting the attention of an agent, as well as entering the industry as an editor, publicist, sales rep, etc.  That's why it's more important than ever to join a community of writers, whether online or in person.  So, keep blogging, friends!

I could talk a whole lot more on this subject, and maybe I'll hit on it later, but for now, it's a Saturday night, and I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, do update us with notes when you get the chance!
